Seeking to influence the next generation of food production, FarmBot, the world’s first open-source, small-scale farming machine, has integrated Beau Soleil campus a few months ago.
Meeting the man who revolutionized the world of astrophysics was an opportunity not to be missed for Beau Soleil’s budding scientists. Professor Mayor shared his extraordinary understanding of the workings of the universe with an attentive audience of Physics students and their teachers.
Director of College Counselling at Collège Alpin Beau Soleil, George Casley, knows a thing or two about college applications. With more than 20 years experience preparing students for their future studies, he shares his top 5 tips for applying to universities in the USA.
Beau Soleil is very proud of its Graduating Class of 2020 and has put together a video of their students sharing some of the highlights and challenges of their time at the school.
With the announcement of the cancellation of the IB examinations, many students across the world began by celebrating! That was, until reality set in that school had really finished and there were months ahead with very little to fill the gap between school and university.